(1) EU労働時間指令について
(i) 使用者は、あらかじめ労働者の同意を得ている場合にのみ、4カ月平均週48時間を越えて労働させることができる。
(ii) 労働者が(i)の同意をしないことを理由にして不利益取り扱いをしてはならない。
(iii) 使用者は48時間を越える全労働者の記録を保存しなければならない。
(2) 労働時間指令改正過程における多重就労者問題
(3) EU加盟国における多重就労者の労働時間規制の状況
(4) 新たな労働時間指令改正過程の中で
・2000年12月1日 欧州委員会報告「労働時間指令実施状況」
14.2. Two concurrent employment relationships
The Working Time Directive does not expressly provide for any guidance on the question as to whether the working time and rest period limits set out in the Directive are absolute limits in the sense that the hours worked for two or more employers should be added together in order to assess whether the limits are respected or whether the limits are set for each employment relationship separately.
In this respect the situation is very different in different Member States. Taking into account the need to ensure that the health and safety objective of the Working Time Directive is given full effect, the Commission considers that Member States' legislation should provide for appropriate measures in order to ensure that the limits on average weekly working time and daily and weekly rest are, as far as possible, respected in the case of workers working concurrently under two or more employment relationships falling under the scope of the Directive.
・2005年5月11日 欧州議会第一読意見
第2b条 一以上の労働契約を有する労働者の場合、本指令の施行上、労働者の労働時間は各々の契約の下で労働した期間の合計とする。
Article 2b
In the case of workers having more than one contract of work, and for the purposes of implementation of this directive, the worker's working time shall be the sum of the periods of time worked under each of the contracts.
The purpose of this amendment is to make it clear that workers with multiple contracts are covered by the directive. Their incorporation within its scope is justified on the grounds of their vulnerability and health and safety issues relating to such workers.
・2005年5月31日 欧州委員会修正指令案
「修正点第11項は受け入れられる」と言いながら、条文の新設ではなく、前文第2項に「これらの最低要件は、指令89/391/EEC第3a条に規定するすべての労働者に適用する」(These minimum requirements apply to all workers as defined in Article 3a of Directive 89/391/EEC)という一文を追加するという修正案になっている。
・2005年10月5日 閣僚理事会社会問題作業部会文書
DELETEDentered scrutiny reservations on this recital, DELETEDconsidering that the text should be more in line with amendment 11 of the European Parliament's Opinion. CION and the Council Legal Service stressed that it was already clear from Directive 2003/88/EC that the 48 hours limit was to be understood as per worker and not per employment contract. CION added that the text of the EP amendment would, in any case, have to be reformulated if it were to be taken on board.DELETEDagreed but preferred the Commission's amended proposal.
・2005年10月10日 欧州経団連意見書
13. 欧州委員会はその修正案の前文2に次の一文を追加することにより、一以上の労働契約を有する労働者の場合に各々の契約の下で労働した時間の合計が48時間の上限を超えてはならないことを予定する欧州議会の修正を採用したと説明している。「これらの最低要件は、指令89/391/EEC第3a条に規定するすべての労働者に適用する」。同指令は労働に関わるすべての側面における労働者の安全衛生を確保する使用者の義務を定めている。
14. 欧州経団連は複数契約の問題について労働者の関心が喚起されうることに同意するが、これはいかなる状況下においても、使用者は責任を達成するいかなる手段も有していないのであるから、使用者が他の会社で何が起こっているかについて責任を持つようになることを意味するものではないということを警告する。さらに、そのような制度の執行は加盟国に問題を生じさせうる。
Workers with more than one contract
13. The Commission explains that it took on board the EP amendment foreseeing that in the case of workers with more than one work contract, the sum of the time worked under each contract should not exceed the 48-hour maximum limit by adding the following sentence in recital 2 of its amended proposal: ”These minimum requirements apply to all workers as defined in Article 3a of Directive 89/391/EEC”. This directive establishes employers’ obligations to ensure the safety and health of workers in every aspect related to the work.
14. UNICE agrees that the awareness of workers could be raised on the issue of multiple contracts, but it warns that this can under no circumstances imply that an employer would become responsible for what is happening in another company since he does not have any means to fulfil his responsibility. Moreover, the enforcement of such system would create problems for Member States.
・2005年11月21日 閣僚理事会社会問題作業部会文書(議長国イギリス提案)
「第22条第1a項 いかなる場合においても、この選択肢を利用しようとする加盟国は、次のことを確保する必要な措置をとるものとする。
a) 使用者、または一以上の雇用契約の場合には使用者の組み合わせは、最初からそうした労働を行うとの労働者の同意を得ていない限り、第16条第b号に定める算定基礎期間平均で計算された7日の期間で48時間を超えて労働することを要求しないこと」
1a. In any event, Member States wishing to make use of this option shall take the necessary measures to ensure that:
a) no employer, or combination of employers in the case of more than one employment relationship, requires a worker to work more than 48 hours over a seven day period, calculated as an average for the reference period referred to in Article 16(b), unless he has first obtained the worker’s agreement to perform such work.
In recent weeks increasing concern has been expressed by certain Member States about the issue of workers simultaneously employed in more than one job. Concerns range from how best to ensure workers are protected and not driven into the black economy, to the possibility of a future court case in this area and the uncertainty as to how the ECJ might require Member States to enforce the directive. The Commission has made it clear that the 48-hour limit should apply per worker and not per contract or per employer and DELETED has, together with a number of other Member States, tabled a text to address this issue.
・2005年11月21日 閣僚理事会社会問題作業部会文書
Three delegations (DELETED) maintain scrutiny reservations on recital 2 in relation to their request to specify clearly that the Directive relates to individual workers and not to employment contracts.
「24 直近の作業部会の後、[削除]は共同で次のような新たな第6c項が指令第6条に挿入されるべきであると示唆した。
c) 「異なった使用者および/または同一使用者のための異なった雇用契約における労働時間は、各労働時間の合計である」(DS 647/05)」
24 After the latest meeting of the Working Party, DELETEDhave jointly suggested that a new paragraph 6 c) should be introduced in Article 6 of Directive 2003/88/EC as follows:
c) "working time for different employers and/or different employment contracts for the same employer is the sum of the working hours" (DS 647/05).
・2005年12月2日 閣僚理事会社会問題作業部会文書
「2 複数契約
2. Multiple contracts
The Committee also discussed the issue as to whether the Directive should be understood as applying per worker or per contract, in relation to the second recital and to the new text suggested by the Presidency in doc. 14697/05, Article 22, new paragraph 1a a) ("or a combination of employers in the case of more than one employment relationship").
DELETEDwas of the view that the issue of multiple contracts should be solved as a precondition of any agreement on the opt-out (see joint proposal by DELETEDin Annex II). This delegation, along with DELETEDand the Commission representative, shared the Council Legal Service's view that the Directive should be understood as applying per worker and not per employment contract, given that the purpose of the Directive was to protect the health and safety of workers. The Council Legal Service recalled that Directive 2002/15/EC on the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities provides that "working time for different employers is the sum of the working hours".
On the other hand, DELETEDshared the DELETEDview that there were sound legal grounds for regarding the Directive as applying per contract. They felt that this would help in preventing abuse from the employer as well as any possible drift into the parallel economy, as workers would be able to have several employers if they so wished. They could not support the new text suggested by the Presidency which, in their view, would increase the administrative burden.
DELETED for its part considered that any solution to this issue would clearly be beyond the scope of the Directive as it would involve the setting up of a monitoring system, which came under the competence of the Member States.
c) "working time for different employers and/or different employment contracts for the same employer is the sum of the working hours"
・2005年12月5日 閣僚理事会社会問題作業部会文書
・2006年5月22日 閣僚理事会社会問題作業部会文書(議長国オーストリア提案)
「第2a項(新規) 第6条は被用者が7日の期間内において一以上の雇用関係を有している状況にも適用する。適用除外は労働者の安全衛生の保護の一般原則を尊重しつつ国内法によって規定することができる」
(2a)(new) Article 6 also applies to situations where the employee has more than one employment relationship during a seven-day period. Derogations may be laid down by national law while respecting the general principles of the protection of the safety and health of workers.
・2006年10月02日 閣僚理事会社会問題作業部会文書(議長国フィンランド提案)
・2008年9月18日 欧州委員会の閣僚理事会共通の立場に対する意見
Application per-worker of the working time limits and rest periods required by the Directive
The Commission considers that, given the need to ensure that the health and safety objectives of the Working Time Directive are fully effective, Member States' legislation should already provide for appropriate measures to ensure that the Directive's limits on average weekly working time and daily and weekly rest are, as far as possible, respected per-worker, in the case of workers working concurrently under two or more employment relationships which come within the scope of the Directive. The Commission has already stated this view in its 2000 Report on the Working Time Directive4.
This point gave rise to extensive discussion during the earlier period of the first reading in Council. The Commission's understanding is that at least 12 Member States presently apply these provisions per-worker, while at least 12 others apply them per-contract. This picture has informed the debate in Council. Despite Parliament's proposed amendment, it was not possible to reach any agreement on including any specific provision that these rules should be applied per-worker. The Commission considers that this issue would be suitable for review separately from the present legislative proposal.
・2008年12月18日 欧州議会第二読意見
前文第16a項 労働者が一以上の雇用契約を有している場合に労働者の労働時間が各の契約の下で労働した期間の合計であると定義されることを確保する措置をとることが重要である。
(16a) It is important that where a worker has more than one employment contract, measures be taken to ensure that the worker's working time is defined as the sum of the periods of time worked under each of the contracts.
第2aa条 労働時間の計算
Article 2aa
Calculation of working time
In the case of workers with more than one employment contract, and for the purposes of the implementation of this Directive, the worker's working time shall be the sum of the periods of time worked under each of the contracts.
・2009年2月4日 欧州委員会の欧州議会第二読修正意見に対する意見
Application per-worker
Amendment 8 (per-worker application) (Recital 16 (a): rejected.
The amendment would insert a recital providing that where a worker has more than one contract of employment, his or her working time under all contracts should be taken into account when calculating working time.
The Commission considers (as already stated in its 2000 Report on application of the Working Time Directive5) that in view of the health and safety objectives of the Directive, its limits to working time must, as far as possible, be applied per worker (and not per contract) in the case of any worker who works concurrently under two or more employment relationships.
However, there is a considerable variation in the approaches followed by the Member States in that respect.
The Commission considers that the inclusion of this issue in the current revision would make it nearly impossible to reach agreement in Council. Therefore, the Commission rejects this amendment.
Amendment 10 (per-worker application) (new Article 2a (a)): rejected.
The amendment would insert a new provision stating that where a worker has more than one contract of employment, his or her working time under all contracts should be taken into account when calculating working time.
The Commission considers (as already stated in its 2000 Report on application of the Working Time Directive6) that in view of the health and safety objectives of the Directive, its limits to working time must, as far as possible, be applied per worker (and not per contract) in the case of any worker who works concurrently under two or more employment relationships.
However, there is a considerable variation in the approaches followed by the Member States in that respect.
The Commission considers that the inclusion of this issue in the current revision would make it nearly impossible to reach agreement in Council. Therefore, the Commission rejects this amendment.
Text of proposed Declaration to be made by the Commission to Article 2.1 of Directive 2003/88/EC:
Taking into account the need to ensure that the health and safety objectives of the Directive are given full effect, the Commission considers that in cases where a worker is employed concurrently under more than one contract of employment, the provisions of this Directive must be understood as applying to each worker, and not as applying to each contract of employment.
The Commission encourages Member States, in line with the principle of better regulation and without imposing unnecessary administrative burdens on undertakings, to put in place measures allowing for effective monitoring of the total working time of workers under multiple concurrent contracts of employment, particularly as regards multiple concurrent contracts with the same or associated employers. The Commission is ready to assist Member States to do so, if necessary by promoting an exchange of information and good practice between Member States.
There is also the particular issue of workers with more than one contract, who may work in
excess of 48 hours for the same or different employers.
3.6. Workers with more than one employment contract
The Directive does not expressly state how working time limits should be applied in the case of a worker who is working under two or more employment relationships at the same time. Should the limits be respected ‘per-worker’ (adding up the hours worked for all concurrent employers): or ‘per-contract’ (applying the limits to each employment relationship separately)?
The practice in Member States varies considerably on this point. Fourteen Member States apply the Directive per-worker. However, eleven Member States apply it per-contract. They are: the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden. Belgium and Finland adopt an intermediate position.
The Commission has already stated that, as far as possible, the Directive must be applied per worker. Given its objective of protecting workers’ health and safety, Member States should put in place appropriate mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement, particularly where there are concurrent contracts with the same employer.
2.2. Per-worker or per-contract application of the Directive
The Working Time Directive does not contain any express provision indicating whether the working time and rest period limits set out in the Directive are absolute limits (in the sense that the hours worked for two or more employers should be added together in order to assess whether the limits are respected: application 'per-worker'), or are set for each employment relationship separately (application 'per-contract').
In this respect the situation differs markedly between Member States. According to the information provided by Member States, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Estonia, Greece, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia and the United Kingdom apply the Directive per-worker (mostly under express legal provisions to that effect).
Similarly, in Lithuania, the national authorities indicate that where a worker has more than one contract of employment, compliance with the Directive's limits to working and rest hours is checked for the total number of hours worked. Thus, where there is more than one contract with the same employer, the overall working time may not exceed 40 hours per week. A worker who wishes to conclude a secondary employment contract with a different employer must obtain a certificate from the principal employer of his working and rest hours, and present it to the secondary employer, who must check that the total working requirements will comply with the limits under national legislation.
Conversely, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary56, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden apply the Directive per-contract.
The position is more complex in Belgium and in Finland. Belgium applies the Directive perworker
where there is more than one contract with the same employer, but per-contract where a worker has more than one contract with different employers. The position is similar in Finland, where the national authorities indicate that the Directive is applied per-contract; but that where an employee works under simultaneously valid contracts for the same employer, these contracts are then considered as a single contract of employment for the purposes of the Working Time and Annual Holidays Acts.
The Commission has already stated that as far as possible, the Directive must be applied per worker in the case of workers working concurrently under two or more employment relationships falling under the scope of the Directive. Taking into account the need to ensure that the health and safety objective of the Working Time Directive is given full effect, Member States' legislation should provide for appropriate mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement, particularly where there are concurrent contracts with the same employer.
iv) Multiple contracts
A significant minority of workers in the EU work under concurrent employment contracts with different employers or, sometimes, with the same employer. It needs to be made clearer that the working time limit in the Directive applies per worker in such situations. The Commission has previously stated that as far as possible, the Directive must be applied per worker, given its aim of protecting health and safety. However, enforcement can be problematic if the employer is not aware of the worker's other job(s). A first step may be to clarify that if an employee works under more than one contract with the same employer, Member States should put in place effective mechanisms to enforce the Directive's provisions on a per-worker basis. Appropriate mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement are more complex when there are concurrent contracts with different employers. These could be a subject for exchange of good practices under point ix) below.